To say that Robin & Dan Kessinger are one of the country's leading flatpick guitarists would be quite an understatement.
Everyone knows that Robin won the National Flatpicking Championship, in Winfield Kansas, but few know of all the State Flatpicking Championships he has walked away with. And most of them multiple times! He holds titles in Ohio, Kentucky, Georgia, West Virginia, Best of Tri-State (OH, KY & WV) and other contests too numerous to mention. A writer for the Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine wrote: "When Robin Kessinger performs, you can hear the ghosts of generations past joining in to help blend the notes from his guitar into the familiar strains of old time-tunes." He has been featured on PBS and BBC television specials and NPR radio shows. Robin Kessinger headlines many festivals and judges up-and -coming flat-picking artists in contests around the country. Robin lists his influences as "everything I listen to"; his father, Bob; and his great uncle, fiddler Clark Kessinger. Dan Kessinger, a traditional West Virginia artist and state champion, plays a variety of musical styles on the fiddle and the guitar; bluegrass, country, blues, rock, jazz, and swing. Dan has consistently placed in the National Flat picking Championship on both the fiddle and the guitar. A native-born, living West Virginia flat picking legend.